C. Graillot


H. Hoellinger, C. Graillot, 1982, Toxicology and applied pharmacology.

R. Truhaut, R. Moraillon, R. Ferrando, 1978, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles.

R. Truhaut, C. Graillot, J. Gak, 1974, European journal of toxicology and environmental hygiene. Journal europeen de toxicologie.

R. Truhaut, C. Graillot, J. Gak, 1976, Laboratory animal science.

C. Graillot, Gak Jc, R. Turhaut, 1976, European journal of toxicology and environmental hygiene. Journal europeen de toxicologie.