V. Blomer


Simon Leo Rydin Myerson, Junxian Li, V. Blomer, 2021, 2111.01601.

V. Blomer, 2009, Compositio Mathematica.

V. Blomer, 2018, Mathematische Zeitschrift.

V. Blomer, 2015, Manuscripta Mathematica.

Djordje Milićević, V. Blomer, 2015, Geometric and Functional Analysis.

Djordje Milićević, V. Blomer, 2014, 1404.7845.

E. Kowalski, É. Fouvry, W. Sawin, 2023, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.

G. Harcos, P. Maga, Djordje Mili'cevi'c, 2021, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées.

G. Harcos, P. Maga, V. Blomer, 2019, Israel Journal of Mathematics.

V. Blomer, 2022, Inventiones mathematicae.

Simon Leo Rydin Myerson, Junxian Li, V. Blomer, 2021, Geometric and Functional Analysis.

Maksym Radziwill, Valentin Blomer, Maksym Radziwill, 2021, Communications in Mathematical Physics.

Jack Buttcane, P. Maga, V. Blomer, 2017, Mathematische Annalen.

E. Kowalski, É. Fouvry, P. Michel, 2017, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics.

Djordje Milićević, V. Blomer, 2015 .

G. Harcos, P. Michel, V. Blomer, 2007 .