A. Woodcock


A. Govan, L. Roth, M. Anderson, 1981, Cancer.

C. Taylor, A. Govan, F. Langley, 1966, The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Commonwealth.

D. Maisels, A. Woodcock, J. Ghosh, 1967, The British journal of surgery.

G. Paget, H. Rowley, A. Woodcock, 1954, The Journal of pathology and bacteriology.

I. Magnus, A. Woodcock, I.A. MAGNUS, 1976, The British journal of dermatology.

M. Anderson, K. R. Harilal, A. Govan, 1981, Histopathology.

M. Anderson, A. Govan, F. Langley, 1980, Histopathology.

M. Anderson, A. Neville, A. Govan, 1977, British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.

A. Woodcock, Malcolm C. Anderson, Arthur S. Woodcock, 1979, Tumori.

W. Dickson, A. Woodcock, W. P. G. Dickson, 1952, The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire.

J. Smith, F. Langley, A. Woodcock, 1953, Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica.

S. Davies, A. Woodcock, H. H. Makanje, 1981, British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.

F. Langley, A. Woodcock, 1954, The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire.

C. Taylor, A. Govan, F. Langley, 1969, Journal of clinical pathology.