P. Waibel


F. Gudinchet, S. Schmidt, S. Hanquinet, 2008, Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.

P. Waibel, 1976, VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten.

P. Waibel, 1979, VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten.

François Gudinchet, Peter Waibel, Sabine Schmidt, 2004, Pediatric Radiology.

D. Schultze, R. Wolf, C. Fretz, 1999, Pediatric Radiology.

S. Kollias, E. Boltshauser, J. Schneider, 2002, European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.

P. Waibel, E. Gauer, H. J. Hehne, 1975, Thoraxchirurgie, vaskulare Chirurgie.

D. Oertli, P. Wigger, J. Landmann, 1996, European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery.

P. Waibel, 1966, The Journal of cardiovascular surgery.

H. Ludin, P. Waibel, S. Scheidegger, 1961, Acta radiologica.

R. Flury, E. Werder, P. Waibel, 1990, European Journal of Pediatrics.