Jerraco L. Johnson


J. Irwin, D. Wadsworth, M. Rudisill, 2022, Perceptual and motor skills.

Melissa M. Pangelinan, D. Wadsworth, M. Rudisill, 2022, Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Melissa M. Pangelinan, J. Irwin, Alice M. Buchanan, 2018, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities.

A. Stringfellow, P. Hastie, Jerraco L. Johnson, 2020, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.

Kamden K. Strunk, P. Hastie, D. Wadsworth, 2019, Research quarterly for exercise and sport.

P. Hastie, M. Rudisill, Jerraco L. Johnson, 2019, Journal of Motor Learning and Development.

A. Brian, S. Miedema, Jerraco L. Johnson, 2021, Adapted physical activity quarterly : APAQ.

M. Rudisill, Jerraco L. Johnson, 2018, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance.

P. Hastie, Korey Boyd, M. Rudisill, 2019, Research quarterly for exercise and sport.