B. Andrásfalvy


Bertalan K. Andrásfalvy, Judit K. Makara, J. Makara, 2016, Nature Communications.

Katie C. Bittner, J. Magee, B. Andrásfalvy, 2012, PloS one.

Judit K. Makara, D. Johnston, J. Magee, 2008, The Journal of physiology.

J. Magee, B. Andrásfalvy, B. Andrásfalvy, 2001, The Journal of Neuroscience.

A. Kaneko, M. Kaneda, B. Andrásfalvy, 2000, Visual Neuroscience.

Igor L. Medintz, J. J. Macklin, J. Makara, 2014, Nature Methods.

J. Magee, B. Andrásfalvy, 2004, The Journal of physiology.

B. Zemelman, A. Vaziri, B. Andrásfalvy, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

J. Magee, R. Sprengel, T. Borchardt, 2003, The Journal of physiology.