M Feychting


E Cardis, I Deltour, M Vrijheid, 2009, Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

M Feychting, A Ahlbom, 1999, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

M Feychting, A Ahlbom, P. Lichtenstein, 1997, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

M Feychting, P Vecchia, A Ahlbom, 2004, Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

M Feychting, T Tynes, A Ahlbom, 2000, British Journal of Cancer.

M Feychting, A Ahlbom, A. Ahlbom, 1998, Epidemiology.

M Feychting, S Lönn, T Tynes, 2008, International journal of epidemiology.

M Feychting, A Ahlbom, J. Olsen, 1995, European journal of cancer.

M Feychting, G. Nise, G. Mezei, 2004, Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

E Cardis, I Deltour, M Vrijheid, 2006, Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

M Feychting, A Ahlbom, A. Ahlbom, 1993, American journal of epidemiology.

Leeka Kheifets, M Feychting, J Schüz, 2010, American journal of epidemiology.

S Larjavaara, M Feychting, J Schüz, 2011, British Journal of Cancer.