Soo-Hyun Lee


Tae Jung Kim, K. Lim, Hyae-Young Kim, 2008, Journal of computer assisted tomography.

A. Shaw, Weiwei Tan, K. Wilner, 2015, Cancer medicine.

Hyae-Young Kim, Sang-We Kim, Y. Min, 2016, Cancer research and treatment : official journal of Korean Cancer Association.

K. Lim, J. Joo, Heung Tae Kim, 2020, Cancer research and treatment : official journal of Korean Cancer Association.

Seong Hoon Park, J. Seo, E. Chae, 2008, Journal of thoracic imaging.

K. Lim, Hyae-Young Kim, Jeongseon Kim, 2017, Cancer research and treatment : official journal of Korean Cancer Association.