M. Wernik


R. Vickers, M. Wernik, 1988, 1988 International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications - Mapping New Applications onto New Technologies. Proceedings.

F. Mellor, M. Wernik, R. Kositpaiboon, 1996, Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Technology. ICCT '96.

M. Wernik, R. Pretty, D. Smith, 1993, Proceedings of ICC '93 - IEEE International Conference on Communications.

S. E. Minzer, G.W.R. Luderer, R. Vickers, 1988, IEEE INFOCOM '88,Seventh Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communcations Societies. Networks: Evolution or Revolution?.

Syed Ismail Shah, M. Wernik, P. Ashton, 1994, Proceedings of ICC/SUPERCOMM'94 - 1994 International Conference on Communications.