I. Muižnieks


A. Erglis, Liene Patetko, I. Muiznieks, 2018, Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences..

A. Erglis, Liene Patetko, I. Muiznieks, 2018, Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences..

M. Grube, V. Nikolajeva, Z. Petriņa, 2012 .

A. Rapoport, G. Khroustalyova, N. Vederņikovs, 2023, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.

V. Nikolajeva, G. Kizane, A. Ramata-Stunda, 2015, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.

C. Aslanidis, I. Muižnieks, R. Schmitt, 1990, Molecular and General Genetics MGG.

W. Doerfler, Laurence Mangel, H. Brondke, 2007, Journal of Virology.

R. Schmitt, I. Muižnieks, 2004, Molecular and General Genetics MGG.

N. Rostoks, I. Muižnieks, 1998 .

Y. Vassetzky, N. Sjakste, K. Bielskienė, 2010, Biochemistry (Moscow).

A. Lazdiņš, T. Piri, T. Gaitnieks, 2022, Canadian Journal of Forest Research.