Titouan Coladon


Bernard Tourancheau, Malisa Vucinic, Titouan Coladon, 2015, 2015 International Conference on Protocol Engineering (ICPE) and International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NTDS).

Bernard Tourancheau, Malisa Vucinic, Titouan Coladon, 2015, 2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC).

Bernard Tourancheau, Baptiste Jonglez, Mališa Vučinić, 2017, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Titouan Coladon, Cyril Hugounenq, 2021, 2021 IEEE 28th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH).