B. Johnson


E. B. Helwig, B. Johnson, 1969 .

D. Sire, B. Johnson, C. Charles, 1973, International journal of dermatology.

R. Charles, D. Cooper, B. Johnson, 1973 .

B. Johnson, C. Charles, S. R. Damm, 1976, International journal of dermatology.

P. Honig, C. Guzzo, B. Johnson, 1988, Pediatric dermatology.

R. Moy, G. M. White, B. Johnson, 1998 .

B. Johnson, D. Sire, B. Johnson, 1971, Journal of the National Medical Association.

L. Dzubow, P. Weber, B. Johnson, 1989, The Journal of dermatologic surgery and oncology.