R. Buhaṣ


R. Buhaș, C. Geo., R. Buhaṣ, 2020, Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity.

R. Buhaș, C. Bacter, S. Săveanu, 2020, Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity.

G. Herman, S. Buhaş, R. Buhaș, 2021, Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity.

Sergiu Bălțătescu, C. Bacter, S. Săveanu, 2021, Child Indicators Research.

Liliana Indrie, F. Marcu, S. Baias, 2021, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal.

Jakub Trojan, G. Herman, S. Buhaş, 2021, Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity.