Angelica Cuapio


S. Villapol, P. Rebolledo, T. Wegman-Ostrosky, 2021, Scientific Reports.

B. Reinius, J. K. Sandberg, H. Ljunggren, 2020, Science Immunology.

S. Villapol, P. Rebolledo, T. Wegman-Ostrosky, 2022, Scientific Reports.

T. Wegman-Ostrosky, S. Lopez-León, Angelica Cuapio, 2020, Cell & Bioscience.

S. Villapol, P. Rebolledo, T. Wegman-Ostrosky, 2021, Scientific Reports.

T. Michel, J. Zimmer, A. Poli, 2016, The Journal of Immunology.

H. Ljunggren, J. Klingström, O. Rooyackers, 2022, Scandinavian journal of immunology.

A. Alcina, F. Matesanz, J. Oksenberg, 2013, PloS one.

E. Casanova, M. Bilban, A. Nathwani, 2017, Front. Immunol..

S. Villapol, P. Rebolledo, T. Wegman-Ostrosky, 2021, Research square.

T. Wegman-Ostrosky, S. Lopez-León, Angelica Cuapio, 2020, Cell & bioscience.

H. Ljunggren, A. Cuapio, Angelica Cuapio, 2021, Neuroscience Bulletin.

R. de Martin, E. Hofer, C. Sturtzel, 2014, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.