Y. Chen


Tsai-Fu Wu, C.-H. Yang, Yu-Kai Chen, 1999, Conference Record of the 1999 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. Thirty-Forth IAS Annual Meeting (Cat. No.99CH36370).

Y.-M. Chen, T.-F. Wu, S.-Y. Tseng, 2004, Nineteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2004. APEC '04..

T.-F. Wu, Y.-H. Huang, Z.-R. Liu, 1998, PESC 98 Record. 29th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (Cat. No.98CH36196).

Tsai-Fu Wu, Y.-K. Chen, T. Wu, 1998, PESC 98 Record. 29th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (Cat. No.98CH36196).

T.-F. Wu, Y.-K. Chen, G.-R. Yu, 2011, 8th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia.