Youngjin Kang


Ju-Han Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, 2016, Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine.

Y. Chae, J. H. Lee, Seojin Kim, 2016, Journal of pathology and translational medicine.

Y. Chae, N. Won, Youngseok Lee, 2016, Journal of pathology and translational medicine.

Bokyung Ahn, Y. Chae, J. H. Lee, 2017, Journal of pathology and translational medicine.

Y. Chae, Dong-Sik Kim, Young-Dong Yu, 2017, Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine.

Seojin Kim, C. Kim, Jiyoon Jung, 2016, Journal of pathology and translational medicine.

Soonchan Park, N. Lee, S. Baek, 2014, Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association.