P. J. Restle


Balaram Sinharoy, Sam Gat-Shang Chu, Joseph McGill, 2004, ICICDT 2004.

Keith A. Jenkins, Robert H. Dennard, Gerard V. Kopcsay, 1997 .

Keith A. Jenkins, Charles J. Alpert, Timothy G. McNamara, 2000 .

Alina Deutsch, P. J. Restle, P. Restle, 1998, 1998 Symposium on VLSI Circuits. Digest of Technical Papers (Cat. No.98CH36215).

R. L. Franch, S. E. Schuster, P. J. Restle, 1988, Symposium 1988 on VLSI Circuits.

R. L. Franch, S. E. Schuster, P. J. Restle, 1988, Symposium 1988 on VLSI Circuits.

P. J. Restle, Subramanian S. Iyer, V. P. Kesan, 1991, 1991 Symposium on VLSI Technology.

Keith A. Jenkins, John D. Cressler, Bernard S. Meyerson, 1993, Proceedings of IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting.