Jorge Gomez


J. Ampuero, Jorge Gómez, Eric S. Halsey, 2012, PloS one.

C. Rupprecht, M. Niezgoda, S. Recuenco, 2012, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.

Hua Yang, Jing Zhang, Ryan McBride, 2013, PLoS pathogens.

J. Ampuero, Eric S. Halsey, C. Guevara, 2014, Emerging infectious diseases.

G. Comach, M. Nelson, Jorge Gómez, 2013, Virology Journal.

T. Uyeki, J. Montgomery, H. Rázuri, 2012, Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

G. Palacios, K. Bok, D. Matson, 2001, Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

K. Bok, Jorge Gómez, Alesio Bereciartu, 2002, Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology.

Jorge Gómez, G. I. Parra, J. Stupka, 2007, Journal of medical virology.

M. Widdowson, T. Uyeki, R. Gilman, 2016, Influenza and other respiratory viruses.

C. Rupprecht, M. Kosoy, S. Recuenco, 2012, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.

S. Vilcarromero, B. Forshey, T. Kochel, 2009, PloS one.

M. Widdowson, T. Uyeki, J. Montgomery, 2015, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.

T. Scott, A. Morrison, S. Vilcarromero, 2010, Influenza and other respiratory viruses.

Eric S. Halsey, T. Kochel, Josefina García, 2012, Archives of Virology.

T. Uyeki, R. Gilman, J. Montgomery, 2009, Influenza and other respiratory viruses.

V. Laguna‐Torres, Vidal Felices, Josefina García, 2013, Revista peruana de medicina experimental y salud publica.

J. Ampuero, Jorge Gómez, Eric S. Halsey, 2014, Virology Journal.

G. Chowell, H. Nishiura, T. Kochel, 2009, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

G. Chowell, C. Munayco, P. Aguilar, 2009, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.