L. Pegoraro


Jean-Claude Dreher, Brunno M. Campos, Ignacio Obeso, 2018, Front. Neurol..

P. Dalgalarrondo, C. Steiner, C. Banzato, 2014, Jornal de pediatria.

E. Setz, P. Dalgalarrondo, L. Pegoraro, 2013, Evolutionary psychology : an international journal of evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior.

F. Cendes, B. D. de Campos, A. Coan, 2021, Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association.

D. Grodberg, E. Celeri, L. Saad, 2020, Journal of autism and developmental disorders.

D. Grodberg, E. Celeri, L. Saad, 2018, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.