Arthur M Lesk


Arun S Konagurthu, Arthur M Lesk, A. Lesk, 2008, Proteins.

Arun S Konagurthu, Arthur M Lesk, 2013, Methods in molecular biology.

Lloyd Allison, Ramanan Subramanian, David Abramson, 2019, Methods in molecular biology.

Arthur M Lesk, Arun S Konagurthu, A. Lesk, 2020, Bioinform..

Arthur M Lesk, James C Whisstock, Robert N Pike, 2002, Molecular biology and evolution.

Arun S Konagurthu, Arthur M Lesk, 2010, Journal of molecular recognition : JMR.

Aakrosh Ratan, Webb Miller, Eske Willerslev, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Arthur M Lesk, A. Lesk, J. Lecomte, 2005, Current opinion in structural biology.

Yeting Zhang, Fangqing Zhao, Aakrosh Ratan, 2008, Genome research.

Arthur M Lesk, A. Lesk, D. Ross Boswell, 1992, Current Biology.

Arthur M Lesk, Melik C Demirel, 2005, Physical review letters.