K. Ni


Yong-xing Jin, Chun-liu Zhao, Kai Ni, 2014, Photonic Sensors.

Perry Ping Shum, Chi Chiu Chan, Kai Ni, 2013, IEEE Sensors Journal.

Chun-liu Zhao, H. Gong, Kai Ni, 2022, Optical Fiber Technology.

Xinyong Dong, Chun-liu Zhao, H. Gong, 2014, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

Chun-liu Zhao, H. Gong, Zhaoxu Zhang, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

Qifei Ma, Wang Bowen, K. Ni, 2019, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.

Weijian Tian, Kai Ni, Lili Tan, 2018, Optical Fiber Technology.

Perry Ping Shum, Chi Chiu Chan, Kai Ni, 2014, The 7th IEEE/International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology.

Honglin Liu, Kai Ni, Ben Xu, 2016, European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors.

H. Tam, Xinyong Dong, C. Lu, 2009, 2009 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference.

Xinyong Dong, Qingqiang Meng, Xinyong Dong, 2013, IEEE Sensors Journal.

Jian-feng Wang, Yong-xing Jin, Xinyong Dong, 2014, Applied optics.