Marine Capallera


Omar Abou Khaled, Omar Abou Khaled, Leonardo Angelini, 2019, IHM.

Stefano Carrino, Omar Abou Khaled, Leonardo Angelini, 2019, IHM.

Elena Mugellini, Stefano Carrino, Omar Abou Khaled, 2019, AutomotiveUI.

Elena Mugellini, Stefano Carrino, Omar Abou Khaled, 2019, AutomotiveUI.

Elena Mugellini, Omar Abou Khaled, Stefano Carrino, 2020, HCI.

Stéphane Galland, Elena Mugellini, Susanne Boll, 2019, AutomotiveUI.

Elena Mugellini, Omar Abou Khaled, Leonardo Angelini, 2019, AutomotiveUI.

Elena Mugellini, Gérard Chollet, Jacky Casas, 2021, CHI Extended Abstracts.

Elena Mugellini, Andreas Sonderegger, Stefano Carrino, 2021, International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies.

Elena Mugellini, Andreas Sonderegger, Stefano Carrino, 2021, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.