S. Mcpherson


J. Vickers, S. McPherson, S. Mcpherson, 2004 .

J. R. Thomas, S. McPherson, Jerry R. Thomas, 1989, Journal of experimental child psychology.

Todd Watson, K. Starr, S. Mcpherson, 2008, The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy.

S. McPherson, K. E. French, J. Spurgeon, 1996, Research quarterly for exercise and sport.

S. McPherson, K. E. French, S. Mcpherson, 1991 .

S. McPherson, C. MacMahon, S. Mcpherson, 2008, Journal of sport & exercise psychology.

Todd Watson, S. Mcpherson, L. Pate, 2016, Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

Todd Watson, S. Mcpherson, 2012, PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation.

Todd Watson, S. Mcpherson, Sherry Fleeman, 2011, PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation.