J.J. Pan


Yousheng Wu, Joy Jiang, Feng Qing Zhou, 2004, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2004. OFC 2004.

Feng Qing Zhou, James Guo, J.J. Pan, 2004, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2004. OFC 2004.

J.J. Pan, Y. Shi, T. Zhu, 1999, OFC/IOOC . Technical Digest. Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 1999, and the International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication.

J.J. Pan, 1999, 1999 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings: Nanostructures and Quantum Dots/WDM Components/VCSELs and Microcavaties/RF Photonics for CATV and HFC Systems (Cat. No.99TH8455).

J.J. Pan, 1978, 1978 IEEE-MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest.

J.J. Pan, F. Zhou, W. Loh, 1999, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

J.J. Pan, Y. Shi, 1999, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.