Liang Liu


Maxim Teslenko, Daniel L. Ayres, John P. Huelsenbeck, 2012, Systematic biology.

Liang Liu, Xianghu Liu, 2019, Interact. Learn. Environ..

Maged Dessouky, Liang Liu, Santiago Carvajal, 2017 .

Hui Lei, Liang Liu, Dongjun Lan, 2007 .

Scott V Edwards, Shaoyuan Wu, Liang Liu, 2015, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Scott V Edwards, Liang Liu, Laura Kubatko, 2009, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.

Liang Liu, Dennis K. Pearl, Scott V. Edwards, 2008, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

Dennis Pearl, Scott V Edwards, Liang Liu, 2012, Methods in molecular biology.

Liang Liu, C. Davis, Liang Liu, 2016, Molecular biology and evolution.

Scott V Edwards, Liang Liu, Travis C Glenn, 2016, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.

Anuj Srivastava, Wen-Chi Chou, Timothy I. Shaw, 2012, PloS one.

Scott V Edwards, Liang Liu, Lili Yu, 2010, BMC Evolutionary Biology.

Liang Liu, Lili Yu, Lili Yu, 2011, Systematic biology.

Yu Wang, Jin Meng, Wenhui Nie, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Tanja Stadler, Liang Liu, David A. Liberles, 2013, Genome biology and evolution.

Zhen Yan, David Penny, Liang Liu, 2013, Trends in plant science.

Liang Liu, Lili Yu, D. Pearl, 2010, Journal of mathematical biology.