Geoff Lancaster


Geoff Lancaster, Paul Reynolds, G. Lancaster, 2004 .

Geoff Lancaster, Wilson Ozuem, Kerry E. Howell, 2019, Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag..

David Crowther, Geoff Lancaster, 2012 .

Geoff Lancaster, Lester Massingham, 2017 .

Geoff Lancaster, Wilson Ozuem, Kerry E. Howell, 2008 .

Geoff Lancaster, Wilson Ozuem, Gerry Brierley, 2020, J. Decis. Syst..

Geoff Lancaster, Wilson Ozuem, Kerry E. Howell, 2019, Journal of Business Research.

Geoff Lancaster, Wilson Ozuem, Kerry E. Howell, 2020, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.