Martha E. Crosby


Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, 2008, WICOW '08.

Paula Alexandra Silva, Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, 2013, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Laurel King, M. Crosby, 2007, HCI.

Andrew Begel, Sascha Tamm, Martha E. Crosby, 2015, 2015 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Program Comprehension.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, David N. Chin, 2003, 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the.

Martha E. Crosby, D. L. Howard, M. Crosby, 1993, Interacción.

Martha E. Crosby, Bonita Sharif, Leelakrishna Yenigalla, 2016, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Randall K. Minas, Nancy Mogire, 2018, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, M. Crosby, 2005, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Martha E. Crosby, Joan C. Nordbotten, M. Crosby, 1999, Inf. Syst. J..

Martha E. Crosby, David N. Chin, 1997, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, 2012, Reflections on the History of Computing.

Martha E. Crosby, Catherine Sophian, 2000, ETRA.

Martha E. Crosby, Joan Norbotten, 1996, PPIG.

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Christoph Aschwanden, 2001, PUI '01.

Martha E. Crosby, Lila A. Loos, M. Crosby, 2017, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Barbara Klemm, 2000, WebNet.

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, M. Crosby, 2003, 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the.

Jean Scholtz, Martha E. Crosby, T. H. Downs, 2003, 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the.

Martha E. Crosby, Lila A. Loos, M. Crosby, 2018, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, M. Crosby, 1988, Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1988. Vol.IV. Applications Track.

Martha E. Crosby, Lila A. Loos, Michael-Brian C. Ogawa, 2020, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Thomas Speitel, 2001, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Thomas Speitel, 2001, WCCE.

Martha E. Crosby, Jan Stelovsky, M. Crosby, 1990, Computer.

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, 2003 .

Martha E. Crosby, Joan C. Nordbotten, M. Crosby, 1995, BNCOD.

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis Ikehara, M. Crosby, 2003 .

Martha E. Crosby, Melek Yalcintas, Carol Anne Dickson, 2006 .

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, Jiecai He, 2013, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Michael-Brian C. Ogawa, Mariam Doliashvili, 2020, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Catherine Sophian, 1999, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, Wendy S. Ark, 2009, HCI.

Paula Alexandra Silva, Blanca J. Polo, Martha E. Crosby, 2014, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, Scott L. David, 2015, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, 2012, Education and Information Technologies.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Yvonne Wærn, 2002, HICSS.

Martha E. Crosby, Kyoung Jun Lee, David N. Chin, 2004, EC-Web.

Jean Scholtz, Susan Wiedenbeck, Martha E. Crosby, 2002, PPIG.

Christopher D. Hundhausen, N. Hari Narayanan, T. Dean Hendrix, 2012, SIGCSE '12.

Martha E. Crosby, 2015, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, M. Crosby, 2004, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.

Paula Alexandra Silva, Blanca J. Polo, Martha E. Crosby, 2017 .

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Luz Marina Quiroga, 2004, 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the.

Fabian Fagerholm, Mária Bieliková, Agostino Gibaldi, 2020, Sci. Comput. Program..

Martha E. Crosby, David N. Chin, Curtis Ikehara, 2002 .

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, 2009, HCI.

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Randall K. Minas, 2018, HCI.

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, 2001, World Conference on the WWW and Internet.

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, 2002, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Nancy Mogire, 2017, HCI.

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Rita M. Vick, 2006 .

Martha E. Crosby, Lila A. Loos, Michael-Brian Ogawa, 2019, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Luz Marina Quiroga, Gladys Matus, 2006, Education for the 21st Century.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Thomas Speitel, 1999, WebNet.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Barbara Klemm, 2001, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, David N. Chin, 2001, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Martha E. Crosby, Neil G. Scott, 2007, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Luz Marina Quiroga, Gladys Matus, 2007 .

Jean Scholtz, Martha E. Crosby, Paul Ward, 2005, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Martha E. Crosby, Jan Stelovsky, 1995 .

Edoardo Biagioni, Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, 2007, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Diane Nahl, Lisa U. Yoda, 2013, 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, David N. Chin, 2003, User Modeling.

Martha E. Crosby, Joan C. Nordbotten, J. C. Nordbotten, 1997, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, M. Crosby, 2011, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Catherine Sophian, 2003 .

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis Ikehara, M. Crosby, 2010 .

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, 2015 .

Martha E. Crosby, Curtis S. Ikehara, David N. Chin, 2004, 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the.

Martha E. Crosby, Luz Marina Quiroga, Jessie Syd Weinberger, 2006, ASIST.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Neil G. Scott, 2014, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, David N. Chin, 2001, User Modeling.

Christopher D. Hundhausen, N. Hari Narayanan, Martha E. Crosby, 2008, SIGCSE '08.

Christopher D. Hundhausen, N. Hari Narayanan, T. Dean Hendrix, 2012, SIGCSE '12.

Martha E. Crosby, Yan Bai, Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, 2014 .

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Barbara Klemm, 2002, International Conference on Computers in Education, 2002. Proceedings..

Martha E. Crosby, J. Stelovsky, J. Stelovsky, 1989, [1989] Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Volume II: Software Track.

Martha E. Crosby, David N. Chin, 2004, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction.

Martha E. Crosby, Michael-Brian C. Ogawa, Mariam Doliashvili, 2021, Interacción.

Martha E. Crosby, Michael-Brian C. Ogawa, T. Liam Herman, 2021, HCI.

Martha E. Crosby, Randall K. Minas, Lila A. Loos, 2021, HCI.

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, 2002 .

Karen Swan, Ricki Goldman, Martha E. Crosby, 2004 .

Martha E. Crosby, Jan Stelovsky, David Ashworth, 1994 .

Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Marie K. Iding, 2009 .

Martha E. Crosby, Patricia Donohue, 2013 .

Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, M. Crosby, 2002 .