Nathalie Mandairon


Christiane Linster, Maellie Midroit, Jeremy Forest, 2020, bioRxiv.

Nathalie Mandairon, Maëllie Midroit, Marc Thevenet, 2018, Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

Samuel Garcia, Anne Didier, Nathalie Mandairon, 2006, The European journal of neuroscience.

Nathalie Mandairon, Christiane Linster, C. Linster, 2006, Behavioral neuroscience.

Anne Didier, Nathalie Mandairon, Christiane Linster, 2008, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.

Anne Didier, Nathalie Mandairon, Christiane Linster, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Nathalie Mandairon, Christiane Linster, C. Linster, 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Anne Didier, Nathalie Mandairon, Moustafa Bensafi, 2009, PloS one.

Nathalie Mandairon, Christiane Linster, C. Linster, 2006, Physiology & Behavior.

Anne Didier, Nathalie Mandairon, K. Bath, 2012, The Journal of Neuroscience.

Thomas A Cleland, Nathalie Mandairon, Christiane Linster, 2006, The European journal of neuroscience.