Sid Browne


Kevin D. Glazebrook, Sid Browne, 1996 .

Paul E. Wright, E. N. Gilbert, Sid Browne, 1992 .

Gideon Weiss, Sid Browne, 1992, Oper. Res. Lett..

Sid Browne, S. Browne, 1998, Advances in Applied Probability.

Edward G. Coffman, Paul E. Wright, E. N. Gilbert, 1992 .

J. Michael Steele, Sid Browne, J. Steele, 1993, Journal of Applied Probability.

Sid Browne, 2000, Journal of Applied Probability.

Thomas S. Salisbury, Sid Browne, Moshe A. Milevsky, 2003 .