Michel R. V. Chaudron


Regina Hebig, Markus Völter, Reda Bendraou, 2014, MD2P2@MoDELS.

Jan Bosch, Antonio Martini, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2015, Inf. Softw. Technol..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Jan Tretmans, Klaas Wijbrans, 1999, World Congress on Formal Methods.

Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2016, 2016 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER).

Alexandru Telea, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Maurice Termeer, 2005, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis.

Alexander L. Wolf, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2009, FSE 2009.

Peter H. N. de With, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, 2005, 31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Edwin D. de Jong, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2000, IPDPS Workshops.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, F. van de Laar, 2002, Proceedings 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications.

Erwin A. de Kock, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, 2007, WOSP '07.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Rogardt Heldal, Ramin Etemaadi, 2013, ArXiv.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egon Gleisberg, Hendrik Zondag, 2008, 2008 34th Euromicro Conference Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Séverine Sentilles, Ivica Crnkovic, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2011, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Peter H. N. de With, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, 2006, CBSE.

Danilo Caivano, Isabel M. Ramos, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2015, Inf. Softw. Technol..

Danilo Caivano, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ana M. Fernández-Sáez, 2016, Empirical Software Engineering.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Mohd Hafeez Osman, Peter van der Putten, 2013, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Bilal Karasneh, M. Chaudron, 2013, EESSMod@MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Andres H. Zapata, M. Chaudron, 2013, Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng..

Twan Basten, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2003, FORMATS.

Claire Stevenson, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Dave R. Stikkolorum, 2013, EduSymp@MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian F. J. Lange, 2004, ICSE 2004.

Regina Hebig, Leticia Duboc, Birgit Penzenstadler, 2019, RE4SuSy@RE.

Eric Knauss, Helena Holmström Olsson, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2014, XP.

Danilo Caivano, Marcela Genero, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2015, 2015 ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Werner Heijstek, 2008, ESEM '08.

Lucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2005, EuroVis.

Joost Visser, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ariadi Nugroho, 2012, EESSMod '12.

Rajesh Gupta, Twan Basten, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, 2002 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Dave R. Stikkolorum, Truong Ho-Quang, 2015, 2015 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2008, MoDELS.

Christian Berger, Olaf Landsiedel, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2013, SpringSim.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Werner Heijstek, Libing Qiu, 2010, 2010 5th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Peter van der Putten, Dave R. Stikkolorum, 2019, BNAIC/BENELEARN.

Andreas Burger, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Thorsten Berger, 2017, VaMoS.

Regina Hebig, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Truong Ho-Quang, 2018, SOFSEM.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ramin Etemaadi, 2012, 2012 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Serge Demeyer, Bart Du Bois, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2006, MoDELS'06.

Dieter K. Hammer, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Evgeni M. Eskenazi, 2002, Proceedings. 28th Euromicro Conference.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ana M. Fernández-Sáez, Marcela Genero, 2011, PROFES Workshops.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, 2019, 2019 IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR).

Silvia Mara Abrahão, Marcela Genero, Lars Pareto, 2012, EESSMod@MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, 2007, MoDELS Workshops.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, Martijn A. M. Wijns, 2007, 11th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'07).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Werner Heijstek, M. Chaudron, 2009, 2009 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Johan J. Lukkien, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Johan Muskens, 2005, Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems.

Peter H. N. de With, Heorhiy Byelas, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2006, 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA'06).

Twan Basten, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2015, Nord. J. Comput..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Thomas Kühne, Werner Heijstek, 2011, 2011 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Mohd Hafeez Osman, 2013, EESSMOD@MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, M. Chaudron, 2015 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Thomas Kühne, Werner Heijstek, 2011, SIGDOC '11.

Paul Clements, Henry Muccini, Bedir Tekinerdogan, 2011 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ana M. Fernández-Sáez, Marcela Genero, 2018, Empirical Software Engineering.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ariadi Nugroho, Werner Heijstek, 2012, Software & Systems Modeling.

Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Daniel Ogenrwot, 2020, ACSE.

Peter H. N. de With, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, 2007, 2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition.

Edwin D. de Jong, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 1996 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Mohd Hafeez Osman, Truong Ho-Quang, 2018, 2018 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Bilal Karasneh, Dave R. Stikkolorum, 2015, EduSymp@MoDELS.

Johan J. Lukkien, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Rong Su, 2007, IET Softw..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, M. van Steen, G Giovanni Russello, 2002 .

Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2018, IEEE Software.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, Igor Radovanovic, 2007, Software Engineering Research and Practice.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Arno C. N. van Duin, 1997, Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Peter H. N. de With, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, 2005, Visual Communications and Image Processing.

Raymond Mugwanya, Regina Hebig, Imed Hammouda, 2017, 2017 43rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ariadi Nugroho, Bas Flaton, 2008, MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, M. Chaudron, 2006, ICSE.

Morten Fjeld, Kazuki Takashima, Khanh-Duy Le, 2016, NordiCHI.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Aleksandra Klasnja-Milicevic, Mirjana Ivanovic, 2018, WIMS.

Peter H. N. de With, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, 2006, 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO'06).

Maarten van Steen, Naranker Dulay, Giovanni Russello, 2008, CSTST.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Johan Muskens, Christian Lange, 2006, IEEE Software.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, Martijn A. M. Wijns, 2007, 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07).

Ivica Crnkovic, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Stig Larsson, 2005, 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 2005..

Jan Bosch, Antonio Martini, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2014, 2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Dieter K. Hammer, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2001, Proceedings Sixth International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Dave R. Stikkolorum, Oswald de Bruin, 2014, ArXiv.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ana M. Fernández-Sáez, Marcela Genero, 2013, EESSMOD@MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Frank W. Takes, Xavyr T. Rademaker, 2018, COMPLEX NETWORKS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Vasco Amaral, Dtu Compute, 2015 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, G. Russello, M. R. Mousavi, 2001 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Mohd Hafeez Osman, Peter van der Putten, 2014, 2014 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Bilal Karasneh, 2013, 2013 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ana M. Fernández-Sáez, Marcela Genero, 2011, EESSMod@MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, M. Chaudron, 2007, 15th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC '07).

Mario Piattini, Marcela Genero, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2009, Inf. Softw. Technol..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Werner Heijstek, M. Chaudron, 2008, 2008 34th Euromicro Conference Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ana M. Fernández-Sáez, Marcela Genero, 2013, Inf. Softw. Technol..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Werner Heijstek, Jorge A. Osorio, 2011, 2011 37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Andres H. Zapata, M. Chaudron, 2012, 2012 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Bilal Karasneh, Martin Iliev, 2012, 2012 First International Workshop on Realizing AI Synergies in Software Engineering (RAISE).

Edwin D. de Jong, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 1996, COORDINATION.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian F. J. Lange, M.A.M. Wijns, 2005 .

Henry Muccini, Bedir Tekinerdogan, Andrea Polini, 2011, 2011 Ninth Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture.

Sandeep K. Shukla, Douglas C. Schmidt, Twan Basten, 2002, Seventh IEEE International High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop, 2002..

Gregorio Robles, Regina Hebig, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2017, 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Rogardt Heldal, Ramin Etemaadi, 2013, J. Syst. Softw..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Boban Vesin, Rodi Jolak, 2017, 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Erik Arisholm, Ariadi Nugroho, 2010, 2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010).

Michael T. M. Emmerich, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Rui Li, 2011, 2011 IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation (CEC).

Michael T. M. Emmerich, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ramin Etemaadi, 2012, SSBSE.

Ramon R. H. Schiffelers, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Truong Ho-Quang, 2018, MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Bilal Karasneh, Rodi Jolak, 2015, 2015 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC).

Maarten van Steen, Giovanni Russello, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2003, PDPTA.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Truong Ho-Quang, 2015, SATToSE.

Håkan Burden, Imed Hammouda, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2014, EduSymp@MoDELS.

Maarten van Steen, Naranker Dulay, Giovanni Russello, 2010, Sci. Comput. Program..

Miguel Goulão, Harald Störrle, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2015, HuFaMo@MoDELS.

Rong Su, Michel R. V. Chaudron, M. Chaudron, 2006, 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO'06).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Berger, 2013 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Daniel M. Berry, Werner Heijstek, 2013, REFSQ.

Maarten van Steen, Naranker Dulay, Giovanni Russello, 2008, COORDINATION.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Arif Nurwidyantoro, Truong Ho-Quang, 2019, EASE.

Ralf Reussner, Ralf H. Reussner, Clemens A. Szyperski, 2008 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Lou Somers, T Tom Verhoeff, 2004 .

Peter H. N. de With, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, 2004, Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004..

Thomas S. Huang, Michael S. Lew, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 1997, ICIAP.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ariadi Nugroho, 2013, Empirical Software Engineering.

Xavier Le Pallec, Sébastien Gérard, Manuela Dalibor, 2020, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ivica Crnkovic, Rikard Land, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2008, ICSR.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, M. Chaudron, 2005, 13th IEEE International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice (STEP'05).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Johan Muskens, 2004, EUROMICRO.

Regina Hebig, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Jesper Derehag, 2015, 2015 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM).

Tanir Ozcelebi, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Igor Radovanovic, 2007, 2007 Second International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (ICSNC 2007).

Maarten van Steen, Giovanni Russello, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2004, Euro-Par.

Niklas Mellegård, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Rogardt Heldal, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Serge Demeyer, Bart Du Bois, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2006, MoDELS'06.

Rafael Capilla, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Carlos Carrillo, 2020, HCSE.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Johan Muskens, Christian Lange, 2004, Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004..

Gregorio Robles, Regina Hebig, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2017, 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track (ICSE-SEIP).

Johan J. Lukkien, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Rong Su, 2007, IET Softw..

Séverine Sentilles, Ivica Crnkovic, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2007 .

Maarten van Steen, Giovanni Russello, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2007, Sci. Comput. Program..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Bilal Karasneh, Truong Ho-Quang, 2014, 2014 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ariadi Nugroho, 2007, First International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2007).

Maarten van Steen, Giovanni Russello, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2004, CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Mohd Hafeez Osman, Arjan van Zadelhoff, 2013, MODELSWARD.

Andreas Wortmann, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Eric Umuhoza, 2020, 2020 ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Dave R. Stikkolorum, Arjan van Zadelhoff, 2012, EESSMod '12.

Reinder J. Bril, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Johan Muskens, 2005, 5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA'05).

Johan J. Lukkien, Peter H. N. de With, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2004, Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2017, 2017 IEEE/ACM 9th International Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, Martijn A. M. Wijns, 2007, J. Vis. Lang. Comput..

Kees M. van Hee, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Lou J. Somers, 2003, Business Process Management.

Derrick G. Kourie, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Andrew Boake, 2005 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Rodi Jolak, Rodi Jolak, 2015, HuFaMo@MoDELS.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Egor Bondarev, M Milan Pastrnak, 2005 .

Gregorio Robles, Regina Hebig, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2016, MoDELS.

Twan Basten, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2003, Third International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2003. Proceedings..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Werner Heijstek, M. Chaudron, 2010, 2010 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Dave R. Stikkolorum, 2017, CIbSE.

Derrick G. Kourie, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Andrew Boake, 2005 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, Marcel van Amstel, 2007, 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Brian Katumba, Xuxin Ran, 2014, 2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Arno C. N. van Duin, M. Chaudron, 1998, Parallel Comput..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Rogardt Heldal, 2015 .

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, 2004, Modellierung.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Johan Muskens, 2004, Proceedings. 30th Euromicro Conference, 2004..

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Bilal Karasneh, 2013, 2013 39th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Gregorio Robles, Guntur Budi Herwanto, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2019, 2019 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Establishing the Community-Wide Infrastructure for Architecture-Based Software Engineering (ECASE).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian Lange, 2005, International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC'05) - Volume II.

Marco Brambilla, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Eric Umuhoza, 2017, 2017 43rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA).

Khanh-Duy Le, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Rodi Jolak, 2018, 2018 IEEE 25th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER).

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Ariadi Nugroho, M. Chaudron, 2008, ESEM '08.

Silvia Mara Abrahão, Marcela Genero, Lars Pareto, 2011, MoDELS Workshops.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto, Dave R. Stikkolorum, 2018, ECSEE.

Maarten van Steen, Giovanni Russello, Michel R. V. Chaudron, 2005, COORDINATION.

Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Daniel Ogenrwot, 2021 .

Alexandre Bergel, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Thorsten Berger, 2021, SPLC.

Regina Hebig, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Engineer Bainomugisha, 2021, ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes.

Michel R. V. Chaudron, Werner Heijstek, M. T. Baldassarre, 2007 .