Anupam Chatterjee


I. Andricioaei, N. Perkins, A. Maghsoodi, 2019, The Journal of chemical physics.

B. L. Tembe, A. Chatterjee, M. Dixit, 2016, Journal of Chemical Sciences.

Richard H. Henchman, J. Higham, A. Chatterjee, 2015, The Journal of chemical physics.

B. L. Tembe, A. Chatterjee, M. Dixit, 2013, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

Noel C. Perkins, Ioan Andricioaei, Ameneh Maghsoodi, 2016 .

B. L. Tembe, S. Tiwari, A. Chatterjee, 2016, Journal of Chemical Sciences.

Venkat R. Krishnan, A. Chatterjee, Anupam Chatterjee, 2007 .