H. D. Raeve


L. Devy, A. Noël, C. Munaut, 2002, British Journal of Cancer.

D. Lepage, K. Vanderkerken, E. Van Valckenborgh, 2008, British Journal of Cancer.

N. Van Regenmortel, J. Lambert, H. de Raeve, 2005, Haematologica.

K. Vanderkerken, H. de Raeve, H. D. Raeve, 2005, Histology and histopathology.

J. Somville, F. Vanhoenacker, J. Gielen, 2002, Skeletal Radiology.

K. Thielemans, K. Vanderkerken, H. de Raeve, 1997, British Journal of Cancer.