Diana M. Thomas


N. Dhurandhar, D. Bailey, D. Bailey, 2015, Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

M. Heo, S. Heymsfield, M. Heo, 2016, Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

S. Heymsfield, A. Bosy-Westphal, M. Müller, 2012, Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

L. Redman, S. Heymsfield, W. Shen, 2014, Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

S. Heymsfield, A. Bosy-Westphal, W. Shen, 2011, Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

S B Heymsfield, N V Dhurandhar, D A Schoeller, 2015, International Journal of Obesity.