Denis Hommais


Frédéric Pétrot, Ivan Augé, Denis Hommais, 2001, Ninth International Symposium on Hardware/Software Codesign. CODES 2001 (IEEE Cat. No.01TH8571).

Frédéric Pétrot, Denis Hommais, F. Pétrot, 1998, Proceedings. 24th EUROMICRO Conference (Cat. No.98EX204).

Alain Greiner, Frédéric Pétrot, Denis Hommais, 1997, EUROMICRO 97. Proceedings of the 23rd EUROMICRO Conference: New Frontiers of Information Technology (Cat. No.97TB100167).

Alain Greiner, Frédéric Pétrot, Denis Hommais, 1997, Proceedings of 1997 SCS Simulation Multiconference.