Michelle Lincoln


M. Lincoln, M. Hines, K. Bulkeley, 2019, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities.

Rona Macniven, K. Hunter, Robyn Martin, 2021, International journal of environmental research and public health.

A. Bundy, R. Cordier, Sarah Wilkes-Gillan, 2014, The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association.

M. Lincoln, K. Gwynne, Michelle Lincoln, 2017, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

S. Cumming, M. Lincoln, Geraldine Bricker-Katz, 2013, Journal of fluency disorders.

M. Lincoln, M. Hines, A. Dew, 2017, Disability and rehabilitation.

A. Bundy, M. Lincoln, G. Gallego, 2012, Journal of intellectual & developmental disability.

G. Nisbet, Stewart M. Dunn, Michelle Lincoln, 2015, Journal of interprofessional care.

G. Nisbet, M. Lincoln, Stewart Dunn, 2013, Journal of interprofessional care.

M. Irving, M. Lincoln, M. Hines, 2020, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

A. Bundy, G. Gallego, C. Veitch, 2013, Disability and rehabilitation.

S. Cumming, M. Lincoln, Edward Johnson, 2020, Health & social care in the community.

A. Bundy, M. Lincoln, G. Gallego, 2017, Health & social care in the community.

A. Bundy, M. Lincoln, Genevieve Johnsson, 2020, Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning.