Nicolas Tricot


Luc Mathieu, R. Ghemraoui, Nicolas Tricot, 2009 .

Gil de Sousa, Gerard Chalhoub, Mahmoud Almasri, 2018 .

Mahmoud Almasri, Roland Lenain, Nicolas Tricot, 2020, Neurocomputing.

Bako Rajaonah, Françoise Anceaux, Jean-Christophe Popieul, 2003, IEEE IV2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Proceedings (Cat. No.03TH8683).

Mahmoud Almasri, Gil De Sousa, Fabien Coutarel, 2018, IHSED.

Adrian Couvent, Nicolas Tricot, Christophe Debain, 2019 .

Bako Rajaonah, Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, Nicolas Tricot, 2006, ECCE '06.

Christophe Debain, Adrian Couvent, Nicolas Tricot, 2021, International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies.

Sandro Bimonte, Bruno Bachelet, Christophe Cariou, 2022, International Journal of Smart Vehicles and Smart Transportation.