Marc Madruga-Parera


A. Rodríguez-Baeza, F. Abat, H. Alfredson, 2020, Skeletal Radiology.

J. Del Coso, V. Moreno-Pérez, D. Romero-Rodriguez, 2020, Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports.

J. Del Coso, J. L. Hernández-Davó, V. Moreno-Pérez, 2021, Biology of sport.

Chris Bishop, Carlos Balsalobre-Fernández, José Vicente Beltrán-Garrido, 2019, Journal of sports sciences.

C. Bishop, D. Romero-Rodriguez, M. Madruga-Parera, 2023, Journal of human kinetics.

O. Gonzalo-Skok, A. Prats-Puig, V. López-Ros, 2023, International journal of sports physiology and performance.

C. Bishop, M. R. Beltran-Valls, A. Fort-Vanmeerhaeghe, 2020, Journal of strength and conditioning research.

Thomas Dos’Santos, A. Turner, C. Bishop, 2021, Journal of human kinetics.

M. Beato, J. Del Coso, J. L. Hernández-Davó, 2020, Research in sports medicine.

O. Gonzalo-Skok, M. Beato, C. Bishop, 2020, Journal of strength and conditioning research.

Thomas Dos’Santos, I. Loturco, B. Requena, 2021, Journal of human kinetics.

M. Beato, V. Moreno-Pérez, D. Romero-Rodriguez, 2019, European journal of sport science.

Jorge Arede, D. Romero-Rodriguez, Pedro T. Esteves, 2024, Research quarterly for exercise and sport.