Hung-Chang Lee


Feipei Lai, Gia-Shuh Jang, Hung-Chang Lee, 1989, International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications,.

Feipei Lai, Jen-Chiun Lin, Hung-Chang Lee, 2005, The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 30th Anniversary (LCN'05)l.

Hung-Chang Lee, Shih-Hsin Chang, 2011, Journal of Medical Systems.

Feipei Lai, Jen-Chiun Lin, Hung-Chang Lee, 2009, Comput. Stand. Interfaces.

Hung-Chang Lee, Mei-Ju Chou, M. Chou, 2013 .

Feipei Lai, Jen-Chiun Lin, Hung-Chang Lee, 2004, 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2004. AINA 2004..

Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, Chun-Luh Lee, 1990, MICRO.

Yu-Fang Chung, Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, 2012, Journal of Medical Systems.

Yu-Fang Chung, Chi-Huang Chen, Feipei Lai, 2013, Journal of Medical Systems.

Yu-Fang Chung, Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, 2012, Journal of Medical Systems.

Yu-Fang Chung, Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, 2014, Nursing Informatics.

Hsiu-Hui Lee, Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.

Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, Tai-Ming Parng, 1989, [Proceedings 1989] IEEE International Workshop on Tools for Artificial Intelligence.

Yu-Fang Chung, Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, 2014, Journal of Medical Systems.

Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, Chia-Cheng Yeh, 1992 .

Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, Kuo-Chang Ting, 2011, Int. J. Commun. Networks Distributed Syst..

Kun-Lin Tsai, Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, 2010, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference 2010.

Yu-Fang Chung, Chia-Ping Shen, Chi-Huang Chen, 2012, Journal of Medical Systems.

Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, Tai-Ming Parng, 1990 .

Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, Chia-Cheng Yeh, 1992, J. Inf. Sci. Eng..

Feipei Lai, Hung-Chang Lee, Chun-Luh Lee, 1990, [1990] Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Workshop and Symposium@m_MICRO 23: Microprogramming and Microarchitecture.

Hung-Chang Lee, Chen-Chung Lee, 1996, Soft Computing in Intelligent Systems and Information Processing. Proceedings of the 1996 Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium.