D. Wagner


Amy J. Vogler, J. Foster, A. Vogler, 2010, PLoS pathogens.

Amy J. Vogler, A. Vogler, P. Keim, 2007, Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases.

D. Wagner, J. Busch, G. Scoles, 2015, Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases.

P. Keim, D. Wagner, A. Johansson, 2007, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Amy J. Vogler, K. Gage, P. Reynolds, 2009, Emerging infectious diseases.

T. Cebula, J. E. Leclerc, J. Ravel, 2007, PloS one.

Paul Keim, Talima Pearson, Lynn Y. Huynh, 2004, Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases.

Raymond K. Auerbach, J. Ravel, P. Keim, 2007, Microbiology.

P. Keim, K. Kubota, J. Petersen, 2005, Emerging infectious diseases.

J. Foster, S. Beckstrom-Sternberg, P. Keim, 2013, Journal of wildlife diseases.

Giovanna Morelli, Julian Parkhill, Paul Keim, 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Dawn N. Birdsell, P. Keim, M. Forsman, 2016, Microbial genomics.

Paul Keim, Amy J. Vogler, Dawn N. Birdsell, 2012, Emerging infectious diseases.

Paul Keim, Talima Pearson, Amy J. Vogler, 2011, BMC Microbiology.

Raymond K. Auerbach, Paul Keim, Talima Pearson, 2009, Journal of bacteriology.

Dawn N. Birdsell, I. Golovliov, M. Forsman, 2016, The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy.

T. Pearson, J. Sahl, J. Nally, 2022, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

Sarah C. Jenson, Dawn N. Birdsell, H. Schweizer, 2022, Frontiers in Medicine.

P. Keim, S. Peacock, C. Allender, 2012, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

H. Wertheim, N. Day, S. Peacock, 2013, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

Dawn N. Birdsell, D. Earn, E. Holmes, 2014, The Lancet. Infectious diseases.

Giovanna Morelli, Thibaut Jombart, Paul Keim, 2010, Nature Genetics.

N. Stenseth, P. Horby, Y. Yazdanpanah, 2020, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

Amy J. Vogler, Dawn N. Birdsell, L. Rahalison, 2017, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

P. Keim, D. Wagner, David Greenberg, 2010, Investigative Genetics.

L. Price, V. Waddell, S. Beckstrom-Sternberg, 2011, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

Amy J. Vogler, J. Sahl, B. Ramasindrazana, 2021, Zoonoses and public health.

Amy J. Vogler, J. Foster, A. Vogler, 2020, Microbial Forensics.

Amy J. Vogler, K. Gage, A. Vogler, 2005, Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

M. Antolin, D. Wagner, Kacy R. Cobble, 2012, Vector borne and zoonotic diseases.

Crystal M. Hepp, R. Girod, F. N. Raharimalala, 2023, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

J. Foster, J. Ravel, A. Hoffmaster, 2009, PloS one.

Amy J. Vogler, A. Vogler, P. Keim, 2015, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

P. Keim, J. Schupp, J. Gillece, 2017, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

P. Vandamme, P. Keim, J. Lipuma, 2015, International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology.

S. Chanteau, L. Rahalison, F. Rakotomanana, 2019, Emerging infectious diseases.

Amy J. Vogler, Dawn N. Birdsell, A. Vogler, 2019, PloS one.

Amy J. Vogler, P. Keim, D. Wagner, 2016, Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases.

P. Keim, A. Koppisch, Sierra A. Jaramillo, 2021, RSC advances.

J. Foster, B. Spratt, D. Godoy, 2011, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

C. Roe, J. Sahl, J. Nally, 2022, International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology.

Lynn Y. Huynh, J. Ravel, M. Hugh-jones, 2007, PloS one.

Dawn N. Birdsell, R. Colman, P. Keim, 2018, BMC Infectious Diseases.

Amy J. Vogler, Dawn N. Birdsell, A. Vogler, 2014, Emerging infectious diseases.

Raymond K. Auerbach, Amy J. Vogler, Dawn N. Birdsell, 2009, BMC Research Notes.

Crystal M. Hepp, Dawn N. Birdsell, Markus H. Antwerpen, 2015, EBioMedicine.

Markus H. Antwerpen, P. Keim, U. Reischl, 2014, Emerging infectious diseases.