Richard C. Thompson


Richard C. Thompson, Shanna H. Swan, S. Swan, 2009, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Richard C. Thompson, T. Galloway, S. Wright, 2013, Current Biology.

Richard C. Thompson, T. Galloway, S. Wright, 2013, Environmental pollution.

Richard C. Thompson, T. Galloway, A. Dissanayake, 2008, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, D. Simmonds, M. Recio, 2014 .

Richard C. Thompson, Hideshige Takada, S. Weisberg, 2005, Science.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Baker, R. Obbard, 2014 .

Chelsea M. Rochman, Mark Anthony Browne, Richard C. Thompson, 2013, Nature.

Richard C. Thompson, Lars Gutow, Richard C Thompson, 2012, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Swan, F. V. vom Saal, 2009, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Richard C. Thompson, R. Kaegi, T. Henry, 2020, Communications Materials.

Richard C. Thompson, Rei Yamashita, Annika Björn, 2009, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Richard C. Thompson, A. Turner, L. Holmes, 2012, Environmental pollution.

Richard C. Thompson, Andrea E. Russell, Y. Olsen, 2004, Science.

Richard C. Thompson, M. Canals, A. Sànchez-Vidal, 2018, PloS one.

T. Tolhurst, M. Cole, P. Lindeque, 2023, Microplastics and Nanoplastics.

Richard C. Thompson, Richard C Thompson, A. Bakir, 2014, Environmental pollution.

Richard C. Thompson, Richard C Thompson, A. Bakir, 2012, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, Nessa E. O'Connor, B. Boots, 2016, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, Luka Seamus Wright, 2021, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, N. Mieszkowska, P. Moore, 2016 .

Richard C. Thompson, K. Hughes, Sarah Reed, 2018, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, M. Barlaz, F. Galgani, 2009, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Hanson, R. Nicholls, 2015 .

Anja Verschoor, Richard C. Thompson, Matthew Cole, 2019, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, Richard C. Thompson, 2020, Global challenges.

Richard C. Thompson, I. O’Connor, K. Gårdfeldt, 2019, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Ormerod, F. Windsor, 2019, Global change biology.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, Richard C. Thompson, 2018, НТИ-2022. Научная информация в современном мире: глобальные вызовы и национальные приоритеты. материалы 10-ой научной конференции с международным участием, посвященной 70-летию ВИНИТИ РАН.

M. Cole, P. Lindeque, Madeleine Steer, 2017, Environmental pollution.

I. Napper, A. Bakir, S. Rowland, 2015, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, Alex D. Rogers, Miquel Canals, 2014, Royal Society Open Science.

Richard C. Thompson, W. Poortinga, T. Backhaus, 2019 .

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, Richard C. Thompson, 2019, Waste.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, Richard C. Thompson, 2019, Encyclopedia of Ecology.

T. Galloway, M. Browne, Emma L. Teuten, 2011, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, Richard C Thompson, T. Galloway, 2010, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, Winnie Courtene-Jones, Simon van Gennip, 2022, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, B. D. Hardesty, Maria Eugenia Molina Jack, 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

Richard C. Thompson, D. Johns, M. Wootton, 2019, Nature Communications.

M. Steinke, T. Dorrington, P. Lindeque, 2019, Environmental pollution.

M. Hassellöv, O. Lyashevska, I. O’Connor, 2018, Marine pollution bulletin.

O. Lyashevska, I. O’Connor, R. Officer, 2017, Marine pollution bulletin.

Toby D. Pilditch, Richard C. Thompson, U. R. Sumaila, 2020, Science.

Richard C. Thompson, London, Montana State University, 2020, 2008.01010.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Pahl, T. Vlachogianni, 2018, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, C. Patrick Doncaster, C. P. Doncaster, 2010 .

Richard C. Thompson, R. Murphy, S. Hawkins, 2019, Interactions in the Marine Benthos.

Richard C. Thompson, C. Patrick Doncaster, Stephen J. Hawkins, 2011 .

Richard C. Thompson, M. Steer, Madeleine Steer, 2020, Mare Plasticum - The Plastic Sea.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, Richard C. Thompson, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, Richard C Thompson, Saeed S Sadri, 2014, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, A. Turner, L. Holmes, 2020, Environmental pollution.

Richard C. Thompson, Sabine Pahl, Kathrin Kopke, 2016, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, M. Chapman, A. Underwood, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Richard C. Thompson, C. Rocha, B. Boots, 2015, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Gall, R. Thompson, 2015, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, Richard C Thompson, Tim O'Brine, 2010, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, F. Galgani, T. Vlachogianni, 2016 .

Mark Anthony Browne, Richard C. Thompson, T. Galloway, 2011 .

Richard C. Thompson, S. Swan, C. Moore, 2009 .

Richard C. Thompson, Richard C Thompson, T. Galloway, 2007, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Pahl, K. Wyles, 2017, Nature Human Behaviour.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Pahl, Bonny L. Hartley, 2015, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, J. Jambeck, M. Browne, 2015, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, Nanna B. Hartmann, Maria P Herrling, 2019 .

Richard C. Thompson, Stephen J. Hawkins, Pippa J. Moore, 2019, Environmental Science & Policy.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Hawkins, P. Lunt, 2021, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Hawkins, L. Airoldi, 2020, Journal of Applied Ecology.

Richard C. Thompson, Stephen J. Hawkins, Ana I. Neto, 2015, Environmental Conservation.

N. Mieszkowska, S. Hawkins, L. Firth, 2013, Environmental science. Processes & impacts.

Richard C. Thompson, K. Thomas, S. Pahl, 2015, Environment and behavior.

Richard C. Thompson, J. Readman, R. Ebinghaus, 2013 .

Richard C. Thompson, M. Steinke, N. Beaumont, 2019, Environmental Pollution.

Richard C. Thompson, T. Krumpen, M. Steinke, 2022, The Science of the total environment.

Richard C. Thompson, M. Steinke, N. Beaumont, 2020, Environmental science & technology.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, G. Abbott, 2021, Marine pollution bulletin.

M. White, S. Pahl, Richard C. Thompson, 2023, Microplastics and Nanoplastics.

Richard C. Thompson, Maya Al-Sid-Cheikh, Lydia J. Knight, 2020, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Richard C. Thompson, Richard C Thompson, S. Hawkins, 2008, Ecology.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Hawkins, S. Jenkins, 2009 .

Richard C. Thompson, T. Krumpen, I. O’Connor, 2020, Scientific Reports.

Richard C. Thompson, N. Mieszkowska, P. Moore, 2016 .

Richard C. Thompson, A. Blight, Richard C. Thompson, 2008, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.

Richard C. Thompson, Stephen J. Hawkins, Louise B. Firth, 2016 .

Richard C. Thompson, Stephen J. Hawkins, Pippa J. Moore, 2013 .

Richard C. Thompson, S. Hawkins, T. Crowe, 2002, Environmental Conservation.

Richard C. Thompson, S. Hawkins, D. Boaventura, 2014 .

S. Pahl, T. Vlachogianni, Lia T. Vasconcelos, 2018, Marine pollution bulletin.

Richard C. Thompson, E. Penning‐Rowsell, D. Parker, 2014 .

Richard C. Thompson, S. Hanson, R. Nicholls, 2015 .

Richard C. Thompson, Lena Granhag, Richard C Thompson, 2006, Ecology.

Richard C. Thompson, W. Sanderson, A. Catarino, 2016 .

Richard C. Thompson, 2017, Nature.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, A. Bakir, 2015, Marine Pollution Bulletin.

F. Falco, Richard C. Thompson, 2019, Springer Water.

Richard C. Thompson, R. Coutinho, M. Thiel, 2020, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Richard C. Thompson, Jeffery R. Cordell, T. Heath, 2019, Oceanography and Marine Biology.

Richard C. Thompson, I. Napper, A. C. Barrett, 2020, The Science of the total environment.