Andrew D. Steele


Roy Leitch, Q. Shen, Andrew D. Steele, 1994 .

Donald Reay, Mike J. Chantler, Qiang Shen, 1995 .

Thomas Serre, Tomaso Poggio, Jim Mutch, 2010, Nature communications.

Andrew D. Steele, W. Jackson, O. King, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Andrew D. Steele, L. Guarente, S. Lindquist, 2005, Science.

Andrew D. Steele, G. Hutter, W. Jackson, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Andrew D. Steele, T. Poggio, Hueihan Jhuang, 2012 .

Frank Baumann, Andrew D. Steele, Klaus V. Toyka, 2010, Nature Neuroscience.

Andrew D. Steele, A. D. Güler, Qijun Tang, 2022, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience.

Andrew D. Steele, C. Yi, 2006, The Journal of Neuroscience.

Andrew D. Steele, H. Lodish, S. Lindquist, 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Andrew D. Steele, Jacqueline R. Trzeciak, 2022, Frontiers in Nutrition.

Andrew D. Steele, J. D. Macklis, S. Lindquist, 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Andrew D. Steele, 2008, The Journal of general physiology.

Andrew D. Steele, 2008, The Journal of cell biology.

Andrew D. Steele, K. Manaye, R. Switzer, 2010, Prion.

Andrew D. Steele, L. Guarente, Dena E. Cohen, 2007, Aging cell.

Andrew D. Steele, S. Lindquist, A. Aguzzi, 2007, Prion.

Andrew D. Steele, R. Talmadge, V. Bahn, 2017, The Journal of general physiology.

Andrew D. Steele, A. Govindarajan, G. Hutter, 2008, Experimental Gerontology.

Andrew D. Steele, Michael Sidikpramana, Dina R. Assali, 2021, PloS one.

Andrew D. Steele, Michael Sidikpramana, Dina R. Assali, 2020, bioRxiv.

Andrew D. Steele, J. Hirsh, John N. Campbell, 2019, Current Biology.

Andrew D. Steele, R. Mistlberger, Mateusz J. Michalik, 2015, Behavioral neuroscience.

Andrew D. Steele, M. McBurney, Cynthia T. Hsu, 2018, PloS one.

Andrew D. Steele, M. Chesselet, M. Moskowitz, 2009, Prion.

Andrew D. Steele, W. Jackson, S. Lindquist, 2007, Prion.

C. M. Gallardo, Andrew D. Steele, R. Mistlberger, 2014, PloS one.

Andrew D. Steele, P. Dollár, Cynthia T. Hsu, 2010, PloS one.

Andrew D. Steele, S. Lindquist, A. Aguzzi, 2007 .

Andrew D. Steele, Martin L. Duennwald, J. King, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Andrew D. Steele, A. Aguzzi, 2009, Cell.

Andrew D. Steele, R. Mistlberger, D. F. Patton, 2010, PloS one.

Andrew D. Steele, L. Guarente, S. Lindquist, 2005, Science.

Andrew D. Steele, R. Mistlberger, 2015, eLife.

Andrew D. Steele, L. Guarente, S. Lindquist, 2005, Science.

Andrew D. Steele, G. Hutter, W. Jackson, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Andrew D. Steele, T. Poggio, Hueihan Jhuang, 2010, Nature communications.