M.S. Shim


Y.S. Lee, J.M. Park, J.H. Kim, 2005, Proceedings of 35th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2005. ESSDERC 2005..

H.J. Kim, Kinam Kim, H.S. Kim, 2005, IEEE VLSI-TSA International Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2005. (VLSI-TSA-Tech)..

H.J. Kim, Kinam Kim, Y.S. Lee, 2005, Digest of Technical Papers. 2005 Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2005..

Y.J. Park, M.H. Cho, M.S. Shim, 2006, 2006 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings.

Y.S. Lee, J.M. Park, Y.S. Hwang, 2004, IEDM Technical Digest. IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 2004..