A. Noda


K. Sugimura, S. Imanaga, A. Noda, 2003, The 25th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, 2003. INTELEC '03..

R. Ohhira, A. Noda, N. Yoshida, 2007, 2007 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium.

Y. Amamiya, Z. Yamazaki, R. Ohhira, 2009, 2009 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference - Digest of Technical Papers.

K. Takahashi, A. Noda, M. Kikuchi, 1995, IEEE/LEOS 1995 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings. Flat Panel Display Technology.

A. Noda, K. Yashiki, H. Kouta, 2008, 2008 34th European Conference on Optical Communication.