Chunxiao Sun


Qiang Lu, Zhifang Wang, Yuanzhang Sun, 1995, Proceedings 1995 International Conference on Energy Management and Power Delivery EMPD '95.

Zoran Mihajlovic, Chunxiao Sun, Bradley Lehman, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.

Chunxiao Sun, B. Lehman, B. Lehman, 2000, Conference Record of the 2000 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. Thirty-Fifth IAS Annual Meeting and World Conference on Industrial Applications of Electrical Energy (Cat. No.00CH37129).

B. Lehman, Chunxiao Sun, J. Sun, 2000, APEC 2000. Fifteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (Cat. No.00CH37058).

Qingcai Chen, Hongzhi Guo, Chunxiao Sun, 2014, ICMLC.

B. Lehman, R. Ciprian, Chunxiao Sun, 1999, 30th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Record. (Cat. No.99CH36321).