Stewart B. Gottfried


S. Redline, M. Altose, S. Gottfried, 1985, The American review of respiratory disease.

S. Gottfried, P. Hernandez, P. Navalesi, 1996, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

S. Gottfried, A. Rossi, J. Milic‐Emili, 1990, The European respiratory journal.

S. Gottfried, A. Rossi, Y. Ploysongsang, 1988, Intensive Care Medicine.

M. Altose, D. Wolfson, Anthony F. DiMarco, 1982, Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology.

S. Gottfried, E. Calderini, B. Petrof, 1990, Journal of applied physiology.

Franqois Maltais, Marta Sovilj, Peter Goldberg, 1994, Chest.