Andreas Kupz


S. Kaufmann, W. Paul, T. Höfer, 2015, Immunity.

C. Loiseau, P. Wangchuk, O. Adegboye, 2021, Clinical microbiology reviews.

G. Belz, M. Smyth, R. Curtiss, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. McColl, I. Förster, R. Strugnell, 2021, PLoS pathogens.

R. Strugnell, Nancy Wang, S. Bedoui, 2014, Current opinion in microbiology.

G. V. van Dooren, Giel G. van Dooren, A. Kupz, 2020, International journal for parasitology.

A. Loukas, John J Miles, J. Tytgat, 2020, Journal of natural products.

Kyohei Nakamura, T. Mcculloch, S. Miranda‐Hernandez, 2024, Immunology and cell biology.

A. Kupz, Andreas Kupz, 2021, The Biochemist.

R. Brosch, N. Ketheesan, C. Rush, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. Kaufmann, R. Brosch, A. Dorhoi, 2016, The Journal of clinical investigation.

H. Mollenkopf, S. Kaufmann, A. Kühl, 2017, PLoS pathogens.

M. Field, John J Miles, D. Doolan, 2020, Frontiers in Immunology.

John J Miles, D. Doolan, S. Bell, 2022, Immunity & Ageing.