Jan Kotek


J. Wrachtrup, P. Cígler, T. Rendler, 2017, Nature Communications.

I. Císařová, P. Hermann, V. Kubíček, 2018 .

É. Tóth, Gyula Tircsó, P. Hermann, 2010, Inorganic chemistry.

W. Dehaen, J. Biernat, Stefaan Depraetere, 2005 .

P. Hermann, J. Kotek, V. Kubíček, 2021, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering.

D. Jirák, M. Hájek, V. Herynek, 2018, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.

A. Rulseh, J. Vymazal, J. Tarábek, 2020, Nanoscale advances.

L. Koláčná, J. Ludvík, P. Hermann, 2023, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry.

J. Blahůt, L. Benda, G. Pintacuda, 2020, Inorganic chemistry.