S. P. Blondell


Lynn Fuller, Santosh K. Kurinec, K. H. Hesler, 1989, Proceedings., Eighth University/Government/Industry Microelectronics Symposium.

Lynn Fuller, R. E. Pearson, G. A. Runkle, 1989, Proceedings., Eighth University/Government/Industry Microelectronics Symposium.

Lynn Fuller, S. P. Blondell, J. Tierney, 1991, Proceedings Ninth Biennial University/Government/Industry Microelectronics Symposium.

K. D. Hirschman, S. P. Blondell, 2012, 2012 19th Biennial University/Government/Industry, Micro/Nano Symposium (UGIM).

Lynn Fuller, S. P. Blondell, D. Yackoff, 1997, Proceedings of the UGIM Symposium, Microelectronics Education for the Future. Twelfth Biennial University/Government/Industry Microelectronics Symposium (Cat. No.97CH36030).