Thibaut Issenhuth


Elvis Dohmatob, Ugo Tanielian, Thibaut Issenhuth, 2020, ICML.

Jérémie Mary, Thibaut Issenhuth, Clément Calauzènes, 2019, ArXiv.

Nicolas Padoy, Afshin Gangi, Vinkle Srivastav, 2018, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.

Nicolas Padoy, Afshin Gangi, Michel de Mathelin, 2018, ArXiv.

Cl'ement Calauzenes, Thibaut Issenhuth, J'er'emie Mary, 2020, ECCV.

David Picard, Ugo Tanielian, Thibaut Issenhuth, 2021, 2022 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV).

David Picard, Ugo Tanielian, Thibaut Issenhuth, 2021, ArXiv.

Nicolas Padoy, Afshin Gangi, Michel de Mathelin, 2018, ArXiv.