David Hellin


Patrick Jaenen, Mircea Dusa, Liesbeth Reijnen, 2016, Advanced Lithography.

Vincent Wiaux, David Hellin, Johan Vertommen, 2013, Advanced Lithography.

Paul Zimmerman, Eddy Simoen, Cedric Huyghebaert, 2006 .

Vito Rutigliani, Patrick Jaenen, Sandip Halder, 2018, Advanced Lithography.

David Hellin, Hubert Hody, Vasile Paraschiv, 2015 .

David Hellin, Hubert Hody, Vasile Paraschiv, 2014, Advanced Lithography.

Patrick Jaenen, Katja Viatkina, David Hellin, 2017, Advanced Lithography.

David Hellin, Stefan De Gendt, Annelies Delabie, 2005, Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.